设备介绍Equipment introduction: JHT1000型手动出料油炸机使用范围广,可油炸肉饼、鸡块、薯条、油条、春卷、休闲食品等。主要用于快餐店、饭店。 JHT 1000 manual unloading frying machine can fry many kinds of foods, such as bakemeat、chicken、fresh chips、pie、twisted cruller(Chinese style)、spring roll and some other snakes. 设备性能Equipment performance: ●不锈钢材质 Made by stainless steels ●自动控温 Automatic oil-temperature controlling system ●油水分离、自我清洁 With water-oil blending technology it can filter the dregs automatically ●互不串味 It can fry many kinds of food at one time and the taste of food will not be mixed each other ●环保,油烟少 Less oil smoke and environmental protection. 设备参数Equipment parameter JHT1000 油槽尺寸/frying size 1000x500x400mm 功率/power 18-24kw 220V/380V 重量/weight 120kg 频率/frequency 50Hz 温度范围/temperature range 0-300度